THE EST CRASH BUFFER - Information and References on the EST Crash Buffers G1, R1 and X1

Information and References

MWB G 1206

Mittelweserbahn (MWB) V 2101 and V 2103 (type G 1206) ajoin the two-axle MWB V 601
(type G 322). All three locomotives were retro-fitted with EST Crash Buffers in 2007.
V 2101 and V2103 use buffers type G1-200 M, the lighter V 601 uses type G1-200 S
(Photo: MWB, added 08.12.2007).

(Photo: MWB, added 08.12.2007).

(Photo: MWB, added 08.12.2007).

(Photo: MWB, added 08.12.2007).

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